Thursday, April 18, 2013

I was awarded!

Hello all!

Autumn from One Doll Out There awarded me an award so here it is!

(I've never been awarded before so I'm unsure of how to do it... Please bear with me)

1. If you could have a "flower pen name" like we have here on our blog, Violets and Daisies what would it be? 

Umm...  Lets see, how about.. Roses Are Red. (lol.)

2. What is your favorite ever Bible verse and why?

My favorite Bible verse?  Hmm. There are so many I love! Maybe Psalms 139. Its just so beautiful and I've memorized and said the whole thing in front of 50+ people!  
                                     3. What are the blogs which inspire you most?

Hmm.. Definitely Doll DiariesDoll Delight (FKA The Spicys), My American Girls Story

4. If you and your friends could visit any country in the world, where would you go?

Hmm.. Probably Israel, Paris, Africa, and Cananda to PEI

1.) My American Girl Story

2.) Doll Diaries

3.) Doll Delight (FKA The Spicys)

4.) Pretty Lilly

5.) Instantly British

    OK, now here are the rules  for you.

    If you were one of the five bloggers I awarded, please
    Leave a link to the person who awarded you
    Post the award to your blog
    Answer the questions
    Choose five blogs to receive the award
    Let them know they are awarded
    Have fun!

    1 comment:

    Hey everyone!
    Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment on my blog, from now on I'll try my best to reply to my commenters. Each and every comment, now matter how short makes my day. Before you get started commenting though, just a couple rules.

    1.) Please don't swear, its not attractive.
    2.) Be polite
    3.) Everybody is entitled to their own opinion so...
    4.) Please don't start fights!
    Thanks, now have fun!
    Silence. :) <3 I love ya'll!